Archive for ‘English’

December 5, 2007

Chavez: Venezuela not ready for socialism

Complete note: Chavez: Venezuela not ready for socialism
UPI Tue, 04 Dec 2007 11:38 AM PST
Venezuela might not be ready to accept socialism, said Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez following the defeat of proposed changes to the constitution.

December 5, 2007

Venezuela: A Victory for Democracy

Source:Venezuela: A Victory for Democracy

New America Media Wed, 05 Dec 2007 2:08 AM PST

LOS ANGELES — Democracy triumphed in Venezuela as voters limited the leader’s popular support, editors of Spanish-language La Opinion report. The victory of the “No” vote to the constitutional reforms proposed by President Hugo Chavez temporarily suspends his plans and gives the opposition a sense of the importance of its current political role. The election results also put to rest fears that Chavez would not tolerate a defeat. Merely recognizing the opposition’s victory elevated the president’s image, editors write, even if it was a grudging acceptance. In his message to the country, Chavez was more interested in delegitimizing the opposition than in recognizing his errors. Editors write that they hope Chavez continues to respect the will expressed Sunday by voters and does not take advantage of his support in the legislature to unilaterally push through the referendum’s failed measures. Interestingly, editors add, millions of Venezuelans who voted in the presidential elections sat this one out: The high abstention rate reveals how tired and displeased the electorate is with the whole political process. In a democracy, editors write, reconciliation is the next step after elections. Chavez and the opposition should work together to advance the less controversial aspects of the reform, the editorial concludes. Venezuelans deserve the effort.

December 5, 2007

Bush: Venezuela’s Chavez Defeat a ‘Vote for Democracy’

Bush: Venezuela’s Chavez Defeat a ‘Vote for Democracy’

04 December 2007

Wolfson report – Download MP3 (323k) audio clip
Listen to Wolfson report audio clip

President Bush says the people of Venezuela cast a vote for democracy when they rejected changes in their constitution proposed by President Hugo Chavez. We have more from VOA White House correspondent Paula Wolfson.

Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez, 13 Nov 2007
Hugo Chavez (file photo)

Among other things, President Chavez wanted to change the Venezuelan constitution to enable him to run indefinitely for re-election. Fifty-one percent of those who cast ballots voted no.

President Bush hailed the results at a White House news conference.

“The Venezuelan people rejected one-man rule. They voted for democracy,” he said.

President Bush was then asked how the United States can best counter Mr. Chavez’s efforts to gain influence throughout South and Central America.

President Bush answers reporters' questions during press conference at White House, 04 Dec 2007
President Bush answers reporters’ questions during press conference at White House, 04 Dec 2007

Mr. Bush said one way is to increase U.S. trade ties with its neighbors to the south. He made specific mention of the pending U.S. free trade agreement with Colombia. He said if Congress kills the agreement, it will send the wrong signal.

“It would be an insult to a friend. It would send a contradictory message to a country led by a very strong leader, who is working hard to deal with some very difficult problems, one of which is armed gangs of people that are ruthless and brutal people who just kidnap innocent people for the sake of achieving political objectives,” he said.

Congressional opponents of the deal say their objections are based on lingering concerns about the Colombian government’s human rights record.

Source: VOA News 

December 4, 2007

U.S. Finds Iran Halted Its Nuclear Arms Effort in 2003

Stephen Crowley/The New York Times

Stephen J. Hadley, the national security adviser, discussed Iran’s nuclear program at the White House.


 WASHINGTON, Dec. 3 — A new assessment by American intelligence agencies released Monday concludes that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003 and that the program remains frozen, contradicting a judgment two years ago that Tehran was working relentlessly toward building a nuclear bomb.

Read complete here 

December 4, 2007

nooooooo …. nooooooooo


November 29, 2007

In Chávez Territory, Signs of Dissent

November 30, 2007

CARACAS, Venezuela, Nov. 29 — Three days before a referendum that would vastly expand the powers of President Hugo Chavez, this city’s streets were packed with tens of thousands of opponents to the change on Thursday, a sign that Venezuelans may be balking at placing so much authority in the hands of one man.

Even some of Mr. Chavez’s most fervent supporters are beginning to show signs of hesitation at supporting the constitutional changes he is promoting, including ending term limits for the president and greatly centralizing his authority.

read more »

November 28, 2007

Why these people is in line?

Who say in Venezuela things are great … you probably are not going to believe me, this huge line is for MILK. Why? well the revolution has been making it impossible for the private sector to exists. As result, the national milk production has simple disappeared. And this is only one of the lines Venezuelans have to do. If you dare to believe in the revolution you should move here. Do not dare to do it from the comfort of your home, your couch, your freedom.


Reporte Especial para Noticiero Digital

Caracas, 28 de noviembre

El día de ayer presencié una larga cola de personas a la salida de las instalaciones del supermercado del Central Madeirense ubicado en el Centro Comercial Chacaito en su lado norte (Av. Francisco Solano) y sorprendió la enorme cantidad de personas que aguantaron la inclemencia del Sol para retirar la preciada leche en polvo.

Entre algunos de los que me acerqué a preguntarles, una señora joven me comentó que estuvo una hora “y piquito” pero que salió satisfecha con sus latas de un kilo de leche en polvo completa.

La colaboración de la Policía Metropolitana y de Chacao estuve presente en el sitio, no así los abusivos policías del Municipio Libertador, que valiéndose de su condición, pasaban directo a comprar el producto, pero igual la gente los pitaba al salir.

Imágenes exclusivas para Noticiero Digital y sus lectores:

November 21, 2007

Summary on Venezuela 14

Caracas, 20 November 2007

By Enrique ter Horst

The National Assembly submitted on 2 November to the National Electoral Council (CNE) the text containing changes to 69 articles of the Constitution, with the request to organize a referendum to approve or reject the proposed “reform” of the Constitution championed by President Chávez. The CNE has been organizing the referendum for 2 December, but published the full text of the changes on 12 November, allowing voters only 18 days to study the changes and make up their minds on how to vote.

Separate votes are to take place on two blocks of articles; the first, called A, includes the changes originally proposed by the President, which were analyzed in the last summary, plus 13 new ones proposed by the Advisory Commission created by Chávez, and which include:

· lowering the voting age to 16;

· weakening the protection of intellectual property;

· adopting a foreign policy geared to “establishing a pluripolar world, free of the hegemony of any imperialist power center..” promoting integration and

· confederation (with Cuba?) and categorizing the foreign service as a “strategic activity of the state”;

· defining the socio-economic regime of Venezuela as based on “socialist, anti imperialist and humanist principles” and dropping the present principles of “social justice; democracy and free competition”;

· making future constitutional amendments and reforms more difficult by increasing the number of voters able to initiate them from 15% to 20% (amendments) to 25% (reform) and to 30% for the convening of a Constituent Assembly, as well as increasing in all cases the minimum number of participating voters, but allowing the CNE to shorten the holding of a referendum from “in” 30 days to “within” 30 days.

read more »

November 21, 2007


Now in the top, in the pages menu, you can find a new link “videos”. This page has some links to relevant videos, about Venezuela, about energy, etc. Good things and bad things. Click there, click here is the same.

Ahora en el menu superior de la pagina puedes encontrar una nueva pagina “videos”, alli estan los videos que a nosotros en Muevete nos ha parecido mas relevantes, seguimos añadiendo. Dale al menu (pincha como dicen en la madre patria) o haz click aca messssmo.

November 19, 2007

Ha callarse !!! / Shut up!!!
